Important Industries
Important Industries 重要產業
To realize the government’s Smart Taiwan 2030 vision, which aims to “Make Taiwan Innovative, Inclusive and Sustainable,” the National Science and Technology Council is strengthening cooperation with other ministries as it works to better understand the needs of the country’s diverse populace, integrate innovative technologies into everyday life and open 69up opportunities for new eco-friendly industries. With science and technology serving as a key driver of economic growth and national progress, the NSTC strives to advance related development by nurturing startups, promoting the nation’s three science parks and supporting academic research. It also implements a range of measures and programs to foster creativity and ensure research focuses on the needs of industry.
The success of Taiwan’s high-tech enterprises is largely attributable to the government’s generous funding of applied scientific development. With government support, the Industrial Technology Research Institute, National Applied Research Laboratories and Institute for Information Industry all played important roles in jump-starting the nation’s rise as a technological powerhouse by conducting research, aiding the private sector with R&D and exploring new technologies. Supporting Innovation ITRI’s expertise in technological innovation is best illustrated by its remarkable award achievements. Over the past 15 years, it has garnered 50 esteemed R&D 100 Awards, along with 12 Edison Awards since 2017 and seven Clarivate Top 100 Global Innovator recognitions since 2015. The Institute has also played a pivotal role in nurturing companies that have achieved significant success in the global market. Among them are Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) and United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), renowned as leading custom integrated circuit chipmakers worldwide.
Hosting seven national research centers covering four major areas of environment technology, information and communications technology, biomedical technology and S&T policies, National Applied Research Laboratories seeks to establish R&D platforms, support academic research, promote frontier science and technology and cultivate hightech talents. NARLab’s Taiwania supercomputers drive national scientific research and connect with industry.
為了實現政府的「智慧台灣 2030」願景,旨在打造「創新、包容與永續的台灣」,國家科學及技術委員會(NSTC)正加強與各部會的合作,以更深入了解國內多元人口的需求,將創新技術融入日常生活,並為新興環保產業創造發展機會。在科學技術作為經濟成長與國家發展的關鍵驅動力之下,NSTC 持續推動相關發展,包括培育新創企業、促進全國三大科學園區的發展,以及支持學術研究。此外,NSTC 亦透過多項措施與計畫,鼓勵創新,並確保研究方向符合產業需求。
工研院在技術創新方面的卓越表現,從其屢獲國際大獎可見一斑。過去 15 年來,工研院已獲得 50 項 R&D 100 大獎,自 2017 年以來榮獲 12 項愛迪生獎(Edison Awards),自 2015 年起亦獲得 7 次 Clarivate 全球百大創新機構(Top 100 Global Innovator)殊榮。此外,工研院在培育成功企業方面亦扮演關鍵角色,當中包括全球領先的晶圓代工廠——台積電(TSMC)與聯華電子(UMC)。
國家實驗研究院(NARLabs)下轄七個國家研究中心,涵蓋環境科技、資訊與通訊科技、生醫科技及科技政策四大領域,致力於建立研發平台、支持學術研究、推動前沿科技發展並培育高科技人才。此外,NARLabs 的「Taiwania 超級電腦」驅動全國科學研究,並與產業界緊密連結,助力國內科技創新與發展。